6 Front-End Development Trends to Watch in 2022

The front-end development is the programming of the user-facing part of the website or web app. It creates an interface where your customers can interact with your business. Front-end is highly important for your business since it makes your online presence attractive to potential consumers. Every app or website built for your business has a front-end.

And if you are ready for changes, let’s dig into front-end development trends that will rule 2022.

6 Front-end development trends to watch in 2022

1. Progressive web-applications development

Progressive web applications or PWA are swift and lightweight software that provide users with a native-like experience with minimal resources. PWAs work perfectly with a slow internet connection. So, if you are losing customers because of a slow web application load, it’s excellent to consider PWA.

2. JAMstack

JavaScript, API, and Markup stack or so-called JAMstack is the type of software architecture allowing the creation of secure, fast, and scalable web applications. It provides tools helping to improve workflow, performance, and front-end developers’ productivity.

According to developers, the technology increases website performance by eight times and better SEO Google rankings.

3. Single-page websites

Single-page websites are cheaper in terms of development, and many companies consider them a primary way of an online presence. The advantage of such websites is that they are relatively small, and users can find all the details about the company by scrolling the page.

As for disadvantages, it is evident that such websites are hard to promote with the help of white-hat SEO techniques.

4. JavaScript

It’s not a secret that most front-end developers use JavaScript to build attractive, engaging, and user-friendly interfaces. And since JavaScript, with its easy-to-use frameworks, is a number one programming language globally, it will dominate among front-end developers in 2022.

5. ReactJs JavaScript framework

The simplicity of use makes ReactJs framework a number one choice among front-end developers. It’s evident, that this front-end framework will dominate the market when giants like Facebook and Airbnb use it.

6. Gatsby framework

Gatsby provides a web development platform that easily integrates with GraphQL, Webpack, and React, building static websites. Its pre-rendering feature helps to avoid wrapping issues. Additionally, Gatsby can handle everything when the application is developed. You don’t need to rely on the server when rendering elements. The fully rendered HTML copy is stored on the server when you use Gatsby.

To Sum Up

These front-end development trends that came from the end of 2021 are here to stay, and they will change the way we create web pages. Modern websites and applications become incredibly lightweight and easy to use, providing consumers excellent experiences when interacting with a business.

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